I'm posting this for my good friend, English author Eloise De Sousa, who is very interested in getting children to read, as am I.
Her adult books are great also, so please help her in our combined quest. For some reason the book marker didn't load but you can get one by following the included link, thanks: Blast Off with Space Dust - Day Four We have landed in a time and place where tales of the Elastic Limit would entertain and inform the likes of Little One to no end. With Big Ox steering us clear of any dangers, what might we see whilst we visit this amazing place? Though Space Dust can’t merit itself with the title of epic fable, the nature of this story encompasses the compassion of human nature and how we, as adults, can assist and teach the young how to overcome adversity with that empathy. If Big Ox started out with the intention of being an adult presence for Little One without any thought given to Little One’s dilemma of missing Mum, the day would have been stretched out in agony and poor Little One would never have enjoyed an adventure out in space. In fact, there would be no story to tell without Big Ox steering us in the right direction. Forever searching for Mum, our little friend takes comfort in the companionship and kindness demonstrated in Big Ox’s patience. Their adventure through space reaps the reward of adventure, education, fun and overcoming the pain of separation. And now, as a reward for your continuity through time and space with our little adventure, how about a freebie? We all need to mark our place in this world, whether it is in what we do, or where we mark our reading page in a book. So, to help that along, here is a downloadable copy of a book marker with Big Ox and Little One in their special canoe. Thank you for stopping by and finding out a bit more about this special story crafted for the local libraries to support their Summer Reading Challenge. Please click on the link below if you haven’t already ordered your copy of Space Dust. Click here to order your copy of Space Dust. Do send in your pics and reviews of the book, or any of the others. I’d love to share them with the rest of the readers. If you would like to find out more about my books or about me, please click on any of the links below: Author Page Amazon Lulu Thank you for joining me. Tomorrow, we will be visiting Trent’s Worldwhere a smile is always included in his week. See you there! Visit my author page at http://eloiseds.com Follow my blog at http://eloisedesousa.wordpress.com
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Howard LoringThe man, the mystery, the time traveler, and epic fable author Archives
August 2020